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Showing posts with the label Move On

Cold Droplet

An old movie playing in your head. As your are humming, and missing what you had. A scenery of abandoned bed. A ghost is sleeping, dreaming among the dead. Then cut to scene, to a rundown shed. Something is dancing, shivering. A vague dread. A letter and broken pencil lead. Unfinished writing, spilled ink, colored in red. A history, story, filled with regret. On your cheek, rolling. Falling,

Moving Skyline

Empty, an empty city. An assembly of vanity. Hungry, yes I am hungry. In your land, your land of plenty. Unfamiliarity. Gluttony, consumes me slowly. Funny, you were part of me. Sadly, a goodbye finally. Farewell, I am so sorry. Before I am no longer me. Sing, let's sing beautifully. This memory, of tragedy. Moving Skyline. Photo by Rohit Tandon on Unsplash Note: Have you ever

Faint Curtain of White

It was the last day of May that you told me to wait and for me to have faith, that one day, a reverse goodbye. Back then I asked why did you have to be away anyway? I questioned if we would be okay. Asking a compromise, perhaps just until next Sunday? I pleaded that you'd always stay. But alone, you need time to retrace your own way. Despite your absence, I promise that I will not sway. Today

Orbiting a Black Hole

I appreciate your rose colored sentiments dear But the weight of her life can be too hard to bear. Just like a supernova, she and I went out spectacularly, Though only momentarily. Collapsed on its own, crumbling on me, too hard to repair, Dissipated, then left out a black hole made out of despair. It hasn't been for nothing though dear, I celebrate your attempt to salvage the atmosphere